Your Intentions for this Course


This Programme is about you getting to a place where you can:

• Stay Calm and Be Present

• Have a Sense of Peace and Happiness

• Feel Fulfilled in your role as a Parent and

• Love spending time with your child(ren).

Each step of the way, I will be asking you to adjust your way of thinking as well as your interaction with your child(ren). The journey can be exciting and fill you with energy, yet it will also challenge you. I ask that you are willing to support this process by answering eight questions, beginning with setting some intentions for taking this course. Setting intentions will benefit you and your child(ren) to gain the best outcome from this programme.

You will be working from a place of gaining a deep connection with, and understanding of your child(ren), not trying to change, fix or alter their behaviour. This programme will ask you to focus on yourself, your parenting style, and the way that you are interacting with your child(ren).

It’s important that you have clear intentions for yourself and your relationship with your child(ren). By setting clear intentions you will set yourself up for your transformative parenting journey. Keep in mind that there are no wrong answers to any of these questions and the more information you can note on here the better.



Your intentions for this course

1. What are 3 goals/intentions for yourself within your Parenting?





 2. What are 3 goals/intentions for your relationship with your child(ren)?





3. What is your goal/intention for your home environment?



4. Can you identify 5 of the most important values for your Family?

Below is a list of values, you may also hold other values dear, in which case feel free to add them to your top five. This process sets you up to know your core famliy values and understand those values you are most comfortable living with. A way to do this could be to circle or put a dot next to 10 the values that speak to you, try to feel into this instead of thinking too much into it. Be as honest as you can. Try to stay away from a should/shouldn’t approach and just feel which ones truly resonate with you. Once you have your top 10, then please select your top 5 and write these below:

                                                        Select 10, then work your way down to your top 5 valu…

                                                        Select 10, then work your way down to your top 5 values












5. How would you like to be remembered by your child(ren)/grandchild(ren) at your 90th Birthday?




Your Default Pattern

As we work through the programme, you will probably feel slightly challenged/confronted at some point and this will lead you to go to your ‘default pattern’ of thinking and acting.

Now that this has been brought to your attention, I ask that you help me identify what this pattern might be… We all go a bit ‘off line’ when we feel challenged/confronted. Often starting something new is exciting and we feel quite enthusiastic about our new journey! This leads to all sorts of possibilities and suddenly, we feel energetic, optimistic, hopeful and fulfilled.

And then, at some point, along this journey (and this happens with ANYTHING new), you will be challenged/confronted. You will hit a roadblock, an obstacle, a place where you’ll just feel like quitting. It’s there in that moment of challenge that I want you to look at now. What happens to you within these moments?

Do you: • Become distant? • Distracted with other things? • Make excuses for not continuing with homework assignments – excuses like ‘I’m too tired’ • Or maybe you’ll discount everything that you’ve been learning and think something like it’s ‘just another theory’ then go along with your old way of doing things.

These behaviours that occur when you’re challenged/confronted are your default patterns. And, trust me, you WILL go to your default pattern throughout our time together. I want to support you now by getting you to define what your default pattern is. This has been your blind spot in life – it’s what ‘you don’t know that you don’t know.’

Once you can define your default pattern and shine some light on it, then you’ll be much more aware of when it starts to appear in your behaviour.

During our time together, there will be some homework assignments I will ask you to complete. These will help you in your transformation journey. Please take the time to answer the questions below so that you are set up for success. This is a journey and it doesn’t end after this programme, it will take daily practise and awareness!


6. What triggers you? When do you feel the most confronted?



GREAT – thank you for taking the time to fill this in, now that you know your default pattern and you are aware of it, you can pull yourself up when you sense it dragging you away from your greatness!


7. What is your tendency to do when you feel the most confronted? hint: there may be more than one) **This is your default pattern



8. Where are you likely to start sliding on your commitment to be fully present and do this work? (examples of this are: You will make excuses and become busy, you will ‘forget’, work or family life suddenly become overwhelming and you just can’t do the homework or listen to the audio)



with love from your coach on your parenting Journey
