Try these tips this week to see if you can slow down a bit… a refocus on you,  will help you to slow your mind and body down and become more conscious in your day…

Slow your responses

Slow your responses

1.   Firstly start by trying this today - with everyone who makes a request, demand or involves you in a stressful situation – respond really slowly… so I’m meaning deliberately delay your response… if it helps you could to count to 5 in your head before you react or respond in any way… it may seem a bit weird to start with, and sure people might think you’re a bit slow, but you will notice a difference in your speed of the day, you will physically, emotionally and mentally slow down by the end of the day.  You’ll be less likely to react with your usual first reactive thought and take the moment to respond in a more conscious, compassionate way.


Take time for you

Take time for you

2.  Try taking anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour out for something you really NEED for you, I’m not meaning running errands, I mean actual time for you, real self-care - read a book, take a walk, go outside and just breath in the fresh air.  Be in silence for a time today and honour the beauty of it.



3.   Next - Slow down your tasks this week - eating, walking, doing the dishes – slowing your body down and being mindful with these tasks, helps to calm your mind.  Take it to the extreme and do these things in slow motion so the kids can join in too, make it fun.  Try this for just one or two tasks for 5-10 minutes every day this week.


Speak with meaning

Speak with meaning

 4.   Enjoy using your words – slow down your talking – commit to speaking with a conscious mind, slowly and with meaning in all you say today.



These practices will help you to pause before potentially creating a storm with someone, the pause before reacting helps with connection and a calmer environment…


xxx Kylie

