Are you seeking a soft place to land?

A space where you can share your heart with others in a similar situation to you...

A space where you feel held and heard... Without judgement or expectations...

A space where you can learn every day tips and tools to return to your heart in your relationships... Deepening into your relationships with your children, your partner, extended family, friends, colleagues ... learning how to soften into the lessons that those who most trigger you have to teach?

A space where you can feel at home with being who you are? If this is what you are seeking I have a wonderful opportunity for you to join my new community of like minded souls.

These sessions are held for 1 hour Weekly, via Zoom.

The energetic exchange is $10 a session.

We will begin each session with a grounding, intention setting experience, followed by some heart shares and gentle guidance. I will then offer up some topical, practice tools to use within your day.

To learn more and to appy. Please fill in the form below.

With love, compassion and excitement,


#heartcentred #calmhappyhomelife #heartcentredliving #womanrising #togetherinthejourney